P3JQ10 - 2012-06-13 16:29:41


Distribution: Africa. It lives in forest areas and overgrown with bushes and grass.

Features: Color-brown hair ciemnooliwkowo. On the face of the skin, depending on the species of black or pinkish, naked, as the buttocks.

Length of body 50 - 95 cm.

The length of 38-60 cm.

Weight 15-30 kg.

Diet: Mostly plant food: grass, leaves, fruits, seeds, flowers, nuts. From animal small mammals and birds.

Lifestyle: Baboons are herd animals, they live in groups of up to 200 individuals. They are subordinate to the oldest male. At night, usually sleeping in the trees.

Reproduction: Pregnancy lasts about 190 days, after which the world comes a young person.

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