P3JQ10 - 2012-06-13 15:08:42


Distribution: Central and southern Africa. He lives near water sources and reservoirs, as well as in river deltas and on the shores of the seas. Selects the forest.

Characteristics: white plumage coloration on the head and neck, yellow and black beak, zakulony, crooked. Back in brown, the ends of feathers black.

Wingspan in males approximately 2 m, 2.4 m at females

Weight about 2.25 kg male, female 3.4 kg.

Diet: Fish, carrion.

Mode of life: a social bird, living in pairs. It is a good hunter, first observed the sacrifice of hiding, he attacks when it is convenient. Performs reconnaissance flights over water, but not far away from the shore.

Reproduction: During breeding season the male and female calling in a special sound. Search for one or two breeding sites, females lay up to 3 eggs, incubate them for 42-45 days. During incubation the eggs the male provides food.

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