Distribution: Africa. live in wetlands, banks of rivers and lakes.
Characteristics: Large, thick and wide light-colored beak. The head is large, at the top of the back feathers protruding eyes positioned closer to the front. Thorax large, light blue-gray plumage, paler on the underside.
Body height of 120 cm.
Wing span of up to 2.3 m
Weight up to 6 kg.
Diet: Fish dwudyszne, amphibians, reptiles, small mammals.
Lifestyle: The bird active at night. Most of the time staying on the ground. When flying using the power of air currents. When hunting quietly waiting for their prey, and a convenient time to proceed with the attack on the bill.
Breed: the female lays two eggs in a nest built by the male, in the form of the mound located on a floating vegetation or on dry land. The eggs are incubated by the next month by the female and male, who also nourish chicks. At the beginning of the feeding is done by undigested food, after some time the young begin to eat fish.