Project Africa

This is project about Africa

#1 2012-06-13 16:03:39


Head Administrator

Zarejestrowany: 2012-06-13
Posty: 41
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Occurrence, habitat: Nearly the whole of Africa, northern India. Lions live in open plains, savannas where hoofed mammals also live on the semi-arid areas, bushy, and the mountain (in Ethiopia, even at the height of over 4000 m asl).

Evolution: The lions are derived from the evolutionary line called Pantherinae, which also includes the tiger, and jaguar lapmar. Their lineages were probably separated by about 6 million years ago. According to scientists Species Panthera Leo lived in Africa more than 1.5 million, and approximately 100 - 10 thousand. lion years ago was the most widespread terrestrial mammal and performed in Africa, Europe, Asia and the Americas.


Height of 80-105 cm
The length of tail 200-290 cm
Length without tail 140-200 cm
Tail length 60-90 cm
Body weight of 200-250 kg males
                       100-160 kg females
Speed ​​up to 60 km / h

Males are larger than females and have a mane around the head and neck, except male population of Tsavo and Senegal. The lions have light brown hair on the back and white on the belly. The mane is reddish through dark brown to black. Lions are found on a white coloration. The lions are characterized by a loud roar audible from a distance of several kilometers.

Lifestyle: The lions live in herds consisting of a few to around 30 individuals, but most of them are the herd to 12 animals. The females are related, but some males are not. Each male has a rank higher than the female. Each male competes with another for leadership of the herd, if you lose conductive gone forever. The females in the herd are fixed, while the young lions go away after puberty. Lionesses take care of the herd all the young, males only their own. To guarantee survival of the young need at least 3 females. In an emergency, both males and females defend the herd, to the front are the strongest males.

Hunting: Lions often hunt at night in open areas during the day in areas planted with grass and shrubs. They hunt mainly females, males are involved in hunting larger game. Hunting takes place in the herd, which increases success. During the attack the lions are trying to go around the victim, or herd them into a trap, for example, dense bushes, so that had no escape route. Increases the effectiveness of hunting at night. The killing of the victim is carried out by the knock and suffocation due to pinching of the mouth or throat.

Diet: Lions are carnivorous mammals, males need to consume daily about 7 kg of meat, females about 5 kg. The main source of food are hoofed mammals such as zebras, gazelles, antelopes, African buffaloes, giraffes, warthogs and, sometimes, young elephants, hippos, rhinos.

Reproduction: Breeding takes all year. Encourage females to mate by emitting a characteristic odor, you sense the males, which are then selected by a female to mate. Such a pair is disconnected from the herd at the time lasting several days, under which the copulation takes place several times a day, while the female is in a horizontal position, the male is on her back and holds her neck jaw.
Duration of pregnancy up to 114 days, followed by delivery of 1 to 6 animals, each weighing from 1 to 2 kg.

Development: Young specimens immediately after giving birth to her eyes closed, until a few days. Walk begins after about 10 days, reaching full capacity after about four weeks. After about month, there are teeth, at the time the young are moving away from their mothers to play with others, after 2 months they disappear from the fur spots, and after 11 months of age begin hunting. From about 16 months they become independent, they reach sexual maturity at the age of 2.5 years (males) or 2.5-4 years (females). Average male life expectancy is about 10 years, females 15-16 years of age.

The threat of animal: Lions sometimes attack livestock, there are also sporadic attacks on people, usually from the old or sick individuals. However, if you have access to their food refrain from harmful attacks.

Protection: The lions are protected in whole or are admitted to sytacjach odstrzały problematic.



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