Project Africa

This is project about Africa

#1 2012-06-13 15:15:00


Head Administrator

Zarejestrowany: 2012-06-13
Posty: 41
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Features: lizard body shape. Head elongated shape characteristic of the reptile family. Long jaws with prominent teeth on the top of the sides of the mouth. At the end of the nasal aperture. The body of the rear end muscular tail, strong. Crocodiles have two pairs of short, but strong legs, of which the tail is covered with a membrane. A strong tail is used to drive the crocodiles while swimming. Crocodile teeth are embedded tekodontycznie. The advantage of their teeth is that teeth grow back after falling over. Their number is in the upper jaw of about 28-32, and in the lower 32-36.

Occurrence, habitat: The whole globe, except Europe and Antarctica.

Lifestyle: Crocodiles live mostly in freshwater, but some of these species may be present in the waters of salt water. The hot zones in times of drought refuge from the heat and silt burying the sinking into sleep. Efficiently move in the water. While resting they open mouth, which allows them to cool down the body, and remove food debris from the oral cavity by small birds that live in symbiosis. During the rest slow down all the vital processes of crocodiles, which saves energy.

Hunting: Crocodiles prey on smaller animals such as fish, birds and small mammals. Long lying in the water watching his victim, then proceed to attack, they are at this very agile and quick. During the attack, trying to pull the victim into the water, where they have more scope to act. Usually stun prey by the tail in order to drown. In the case of hunting on large mammals, several individuals at once attacks the victim of tearing her to pieces, swallowed whole the parts.

Diet: Small mammals, fish, waterfowl.

Breeding: Before mating crocodiles use courtship ritual, which consists in releasing the male on the air bubbles out of the mouth and tail and hitting the water surface. After the whole ceremony comes to mating, which lasts only one minute and ends with internal fertilization. Female builds a nest of mud, debris and plant foliage, and consists of about 50 eggs there. Thanks to the special construction of the slot where there is a temperature around 32 ° C.



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